It is commonly used as parametric engine for direct modeling of 3D geometry, assembly design, motion analysis, and other 3D geometric modeling applications. LGS 3D is a cross-platform software packages running on 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, *BSD, AIX, HP-UX, Sun Solaris, and other OSes. Coded in C , LGS 3D has a C-style API for easy integration into a broad range of software applications using a variety of wrappers, such as .NET, Java, and C .
LGS 3D supports the creation and modification of geometric models by means of explicit or implicit constraints. (Geometric objects include points, lines, circles, planes, cylinders, spheres, cones, tori, parametric curves, surfaces and swept surfaces.) Objects can be fixed in the absolute coordinate system or relative to each other. Supported geometric constraints include logical constraints between geometric entities (coincidence, parallelism, tangency, and so on), and dimensional constraints that specify the required values for distances, angles, or radiuses. LGS 3D moves and rotates objects to positions that satisfy all constraints, yet minimizes transformations from the initial configuration. Other LGS functions implement advanced features of CAD/CAM/CAE systems, such as diagnostics of over- and under-defined parts of models, engineering variables and equations, help points, and tolerance management.